
inquiry enquiry and quiry 有何分別


inquiry enquiry and quiry 有何分別 更新: 請再問埋,點解佢enquiry同inquiry既dj同kk音標都一樣 咁佢地讀法係咪真係一樣


inquiry (countable noun) = enquiry ( countable noun) ( They are the same.) 請再問埋,點解佢enquiry同inquiry既dj同kk音標都一樣 咁佢地讀法係咪真係一樣 Answer: 一樣 詢問; 調查 different spelling same sounds to make inquiries of = to make enquiries of Example: I made inquiries/enquiries of my English teacher about my test. ________________________________________________ quiry<-------------MISTAKE! It should be " query". ( countable noun or verb) 質問, doubt or a question Example: -My teacher has a query about my honesty. = My teacher doesn't believe me. She doesn't think that I am honest. ( doubt) -No one queried her absence. 缺席 = No one asked about her absence.缺席 ( question) ( simple past tense)





留意佢地[用]既情況, 你就看到分別, 只用中文去解釋佢係唔足夠。 inquiry 係名詞, 意思係有質問的 1. 詢問,打聽;質詢[C][U][(+about/into)] Make your inquiries at the office. 請去辦公室詢問。 2. 調查[C][(+into)] They held an inquiry into the incident. 他們對這一事件展開調查。 3. 探究,探索[U][C] scientific inquiry 科學探索 4. 疑問;問題[C] The bank clerk answered all my inquiries. 銀行職員回答了我提出的所有問題。查問意思 enquiry 都係名詞, 係查問 (並無質問的意思), 詢問一啲嘢啫 1. 詢問;打聽[(+about)] make enquiries of somebody about something 向某人詢問某事 2. 調查[(+into)] An official enquiry into the incident was launched. 官方對這一事件進行了調查。 After months of enquiry we finally discovered the truth. 經過幾個月調查,我們最後發現了真相。 quiry 係唔係串錯字呀, 是否query query係偏向疑問, 因為唔信任 (如果係名詞) e.g. I have a query about his sincerity 我對他的誠意有懷疑。 或(用嚟提出問題都可以) 問, 詢問 (係動詞) e.g. Query, when will they carry out the project ? 請問, 他們什麼時候執行這一方案? The doctor queried Kate about her health. 醫生問了凱特的健康狀況。
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