位於法國巴黎的戴高樂廣場(Place Charles de Gaulle)是一個圓形廣場,從廣場向外延伸出十二條大道,最負盛名的是座落於戴高樂廣場中央的凱旋門。 幫我變成英文句子,唔該!!
位於法國巴黎的戴高樂廣場(Place Charles de Gaulle)是一個圓形廣場,從廣場向外延伸出十二條大道,最負盛名的是座落於戴高樂廣場中央的凱旋門。 Place Charles de Gaulle, which is situated in the French capital Paris, is a square of ciruclar shape. From the square, twelve avenues extends outward. The most famous architecture is Arc de Triomphe which stands in the middle of Place Charles de Gaulle.
位於法國巴黎的戴高樂廣場(Place Charles de Gaulle)是一個圓形廣場,從廣場向外延伸出十二條大道,最負盛名的是座落於戴高樂廣場中央的凱旋門。 Place Charles de Gaulle, situated in Paris, France, is a circular square from which twelve streets emanate. Arc de Triomphe (translator’s note: or ‘Arch of Triumph’), in the middle of Place Charles de Gaulle, is the most famous. Hope it helps!|||||Located at the French Paris's De Gaulle square (Place Charles de Gaulle) is a circular square, stretches out 12 main roads from the square to the extension, those who most have the great reputation is located in the De Gaulle square central Arc De Triomphe.|||||Located at the French Paris's De Gaulle square is a circular square, stretches out 12 main roads from the square to the extension, those who most have the great reputation is located in the De Gaulle square central Arc De Triomphe.