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S.1 Maths
Sam buys 500 TV game sets at a total cost of $100 100. If each game set is sold at a discount of 20% and he makes a profit of 20%, find: a)his total profit b)the selling price of each game set, c) the marked price of each game set 更新: Sam buys 500 TV game sets at a total cost of $110 000
Sam buys 500 TV game sets at a total cost of $110 000. If each game set is sold at a discount of 20% and he makes a profit of 20%, find: a)his total profit Total profit = (110000)*20% = $22000 b)the selling price of each game set, Selling price = (110000)*(1+20%)/500 = (132000)/500 = $264 c) the marked price of each game set Marked price = $264/(1-20%) = $330