一些英文的簡稱: ASAP: CD: DIY: e.g: ft: FYI: in: lb: ml: oz: PC: pp: Rd: sq ft: sq m: St 更新: 咁 pp 呢???
ASAP = As soon as possible CD = Compact Disk DIY = Do it yourself e.g, = example ft = feet FYI = for your information in = inch(吋) lb = pound ml = mili-litre(毫升) oz = ounce PC = computer pp = preposition Rd = Road sq ft. = Square Feet sq m = Square metre(美)/meter(英) St = Street
good|||||ASAP:as soon as possible 儘快,愈快愈好(亦可作a.s.a.p) CD:compact disc 激光唱片;光盤 certificate of deposit 定期大額存單,存款證(單) Carrier Detection 電腦】載波偵測 DIY:Do It Yourself (英國)自己動手做 e.g:exempli gratia【拉】例如 ft:free of tax 免稅 free trade 自由貿易 full terms 【海】完全承保,完全條件 FYI:for your information 供你參考;【電腦】代表RFCs的非技術性標準或通信協定描述的 子系列 in:into lb:landing barge 平底登陸艇 light bomber 輕轟炸機 linebacker 【美】【橄】中後衛 ml:machine language 機器語言 milliliter oz:ounce PC:Peace Corps (美國)和平隊 personal computer 個人電腦 pp:pianissimo Rd:【化】元素鐳(radium)的舊符號(現為Ra) St: short ton 短公噸 2007-04-25 12:09:16 補充: sq ft:Square Feet sq m:Square Meters|||||ASAP: As Soon As Possible CD: Compact Disc DIY: Do It Yourself e.g: 拉丁文 Exempli Gratia,即 For Example ft: foot/feet FYI: For Your Information in: inch? lb: pound ml: millilitre oz: ounce PC: Personal Computer pp: 邊方面呀...past participle? present participle? pages? 太多可能... Rd: Road sq ft: Square Foot/Feet sq m: Square Metre St: Street 可以去以下網址睇,但係 search results 可能多到你冇心機睇:http://www.acronymfinder.com/