CPT tax 問題
簡述一下目前狀況 拿F1學生簽證 暑假用CPT做全職工作 連續三期payroll被扣了socail secruity 跟 medicare這兩筆稅 要怎麼要回來? 感謝 更新: Thanks for your reply. When should I file form 843 for refund? 更新 2: OK. Thanks a lot!!
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You can find the answer on Page 49, Chapter 18 of the IRS Publication 519 (http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p519.pdf). You may also search for "Refund of Taxes Withheld in Error" in Pub 519. Basically, first ask your employer to refund the overcollection. If they would not comply, then file Form 843 (http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f843.pdf) along with Form 8316 (http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8316.pdf) yourself to the IRS to request a refund. Don't forget to attach the required documents, such as W-2 (I believe your paystubs will do too if you don't have the W2 yet), I-20, etc. 2008-07-10 01:06:23 補充: Communicate with you employer first because this is really their job. You only file the claim yourself if they for some reason cannot or would not get the full refund for you.